Poetry PBL 

Analyzed Poems
based on Theme

by: Nandi Baldwin


Joy in Joy
by: Vishal Kumar

Analizing the Poem:
What I understand of this poem, "Compassion" by Nandi Baldwin, is that compassion is a beautiful thing or emotion. At the end of the poem it starts talking about how it is hard to show that you have compassion. So it's like saying it is an amazing emotion, as "pure & sweet as white roses", but the bad part is that it is not shown or displayed as you would like it to be.

Analizing the Poem:
"Joy in Joy", by Vishal Kumar, talks about how joy is really in everything we feel. In every emotion we go through, in every face of our lives, there is joy on the other side. It says everything emotion comes with its opposite emotion. So any sad emotion will lead to joy eventually. So this author then ask God to  bring him whatever feeling, because he knows there is joy at some point.

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